Chasing After God

There’s an interesting paradigm out there about seeking God.  This point of view stands up confident, chest-out and declares “real Christians shouldn’t chase after signs and wonders.”  Then it proceeds to quote supporting scriptures and add strict warning.  They read this verse “and these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues” Mark 16:17.  The thing is, what the listener just heard is “I must stay put and never go beyond these borders or something terrible might happen or worse yet, people will think awful things about me.”  I am in total agreement with Mark 16:17.  However, most people don’t emphasize this verse they teach the reverse.  The only issue is, the reverse is not explicitly stated in the scriptures.  I find it interesting that few ask “well, why aren’t the signs and wonders following me if Jesus said they would?”

Jesus gives us insight into something profound in John 2:11.  It says “this beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.”  The scripture clearly shows that wherever the glory is, signs should be present.  And when you see signs it’s a good indicator that the glory is present.  So by discouraging people from being where miracles are happening, are we cutting them off from the one thing they need?  They need the glory.

The thing is, it’s not even about seeking signs; we must seek the Presence.  Throughout the New Testament, you can read accounts of people seeking after the presence of Jesus.  These encounters resulted in a sign, wonder or breakthrough that they needed. The Lord Himself told us to seek His face Psalm 27:8.  In the New Testament, there’s a long list of desperate, hungry people that sought to be where Jesus was (which was where the miracles were happening).  The list includes characters like the woman with the issue of blood, Zacchaeus, the woman with the demon-possessed daughter, Nicodemus, the rich young ruler etc.  The list of those that pressed in to where the apostles and disciples were is probably just as long.  People recognized that these ones were carriers of the Presence.  As a result, when they pressed in, miracles happened.  It’s true, we shouldn’t seek after signs but wherever the Presence is, signs must follow.  So I’m going after the Presence!

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